How one's country is perceived by so-called "outsiders"

Nassau has neighbourhoods that range from exclusive enclaves for the extremely wealthy to slums inhabited by the chronically unemployed and underemployed. Construction materials are roughly evenly divided between limestone and wood.

The upper class consists of wealthy business owners, corporate managers, professionals, high-ranking government officials, and some foreign citizens. Historically, this class was composed of Britons, white Bahamians, light-skinned Bahamians of mixed race, and a few Americans and Canadians. Most were self-consciously British in speech and behavior.
In addition, we are led to believe that "the upper class today includes many more residents of African ancestry. Emulation of the old colonial elite is less common. The middle class consists of small business owners, some professionals, civil servants, and lower-level corporate managers.

This generalized depiction of The Bahamas stands in stark contrast and contradistinction to other scenarios that depict The Bahamas as a truly despondent place, a country where very many people are living and dying in the throes of distress and despair. That other Bahamas is a place where there are very many Bahamians who make it their business to live just for the day and whose business it is to revel in the moment, thus that endless round of so-called functions, parties and other excuses for wasting money. On some occasions, money is used that should be put into the education and care of children. On other occasions, scarce resources are blown on showing off to the neighbours. Another Bahamas exists in the very belly of that Bahamas that is seen to be some kind of tropical paradise. That Bahamas is the Bahamas where anchor projects are providing much needed jobs. It is that other Bahamas where Bahamians are scheduled to vote for the representatives of their choice. And for sure, that other Bahamas is the one that has been transfixed by the saga of one Anna Nicole Smith and a motley crew of other hangers-on and other assorted riff-raffs and money-grubbers.


Anonymous said…
diablement bien écirt,

Hope all is well,

Positive karma being sent through foreseen circumstances,


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